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The Full Story

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Jennifer is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner whose passion for her work is fueled by her own health journey. She takes an individualized, "whole person" approach to her work, taking time to understand each client's personal circumstances and goals, and combining them with detailed lab results to tailor effective solutions for the individual. 

As a working mother of seven, Jennifer understands the importance of health and wellness, and the unique challenges each of us can face in achieving and maintaining it. She also loves a good book and hiking in the woods, and is an award-winning singer/songwriter. Jennifer recently completed a three day, backcountry wilderness hike with her husband and five of her kids, a feat she attributes in part to the health improvements she has seen over the past several years by implementing principles of functional nutrition. 

Fifteen years ago, Jennifer suffered from severe allergies and often had migraine headaches. She had low energy and GI pain. Her doctors ran tests and treated her symptoms but never addressed the underlying conditions. When she began to have many low thyroid symptoms and was told her thyroid levels were in normal range, her doctor’s advice was to “drink more milk and take a multivitamin.” Meanwhile, her hair was falling out in handfuls. She started doing her own research and was introduced to functional nutrition. Applying those principles has dramatically improved her health. 


Finding FDN was a game-changer for Jennifer. Her journey to better health was a hard one, full of a lot of trial-and-error changes and dead-ends.  She tried elimination diets and spent thousands of dollars on supplements before finding strategies that worked for her. With her FDN training, her goal is to help clients to map out a plan that supports the whole body instead of chasing symptoms, and avoids the long and expensive guessing game that she went through. With functional lab testing and careful attention to a client’s personal history, she helps uncover hidden stressors contributing to poor health. She then curates a personalized self-treatment protocol that takes into account diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation in order to support overall health so the body can heal itself the way it was designed to. 


Bachelor's degree in Environmental Economics and Ethics from American University


Certified FDNP

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